It’s become an annual ritual: Street preachers descend on Asheville for Bele Chere, and Ashevilleans come out to confront them — or simply watch the chaos. This year was no exception.
Tag: Bele Chere 2010
Showing 1-21 of 52 results
(Almost) live from Bele Chere 2010: An air dog’s last leap
Local cartoonist Bill LaRocque — aka the creator of Granola Park, which has recently been added to Xpress — shared his view of a few scenes from Bele Chere 2010. Here’s one …

Video A-Go-Go: Bele Shared
It’s Bele Chere weekend, and trying to find local videos that don’t in some way relate to the festival is very much like swimming against the tide. So, let’s go with the flow and take a look at how the citizen journalists/filmmakers of WNC are presenting this most Asheville of events.

Fire marshals pull the plug on Collision youth center
A few dozen local teens gathered at Collision — a Christian youth center on South Lexington Avenue — Saturday afternoon for what was scheduled to be an all-ages battle of the bands. But as the growing crowd began spilling into the streets, they caught the attention of the Asheville Fire Department, who quickly arrived to pull the plug.

Undaunted: Now You See Them’s Thunder-Confronting Acoustic Finale
When Asheville-based, folk-leaning indie-pop group Now You See Them were told to shut down their performance in the face of oncoming rain as their Sunday set at Bele Chere came to a close, the band instead decided to tempt fate. Braving the increasing drizzle, the threatening sound of thunder, and a sound engineer who didn’t realize their plan, the group turned a shortened set into a fantastic bit of live music.
DanceVille: On stage with DJ Equal at Club 828
DJ Equal and DJ Bowie crushed it last night at Club 828’s unOFFICIAL Bele Chere Dance Party. This video captures some of the crowd’s moves as Equal brought the dance party on to the stage.
Bele Chere Early Morning Pictures by Zen Sutherland
Local photographer Zen Sutherland caught these images of the Bele Chere that few people—other than habitual early risers—get to see.

Bele Chere 2010: A Space Odyssey
Festival goers from another dimension… under Bele Chere.

Caravan of Thieves at Bele Chere
Miss out on the gypsy-jazz fun of the Caravan of Thieves set at the Haywood Street Stage on Sunday? Well, here’s a sample of the group in action, playing their tune “Shim Sham.”

Voodoo Court at Bele Chere
Now that Bele Chere is winding up, how about a little old school surf rock to mellow you out? Here’s Californian-by-way-of-Asheville surf rockers Voodoo Court performing their tune “Lost In Mazatlan” at the Battery Park Stage earlier today.

The Hot Seats at Bele Chere
They may call themselves “Richmond’s Beloved Absurdist Stringband,” but The Hot Seats also know a thing or two about straight-up acoustic barnstorming. Here’s the group performing their version of “Freight Train Boogie” from their show at the Rock n’ Kiss Stage on Sunday afternoon.
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals at Bele Chere
Photo by Jonathan Welch
Taking the broader view of Bele Chere: Photos by Jamison Parker
Like seeing in all directions at once, you get a different feel for Bele Chere 2010 in this photo of crowds gathered for the magic show at Rankin and College
photo by Jamison Parker
On the Streets of Bele Chere
Man on the street at Bele Chere
Photos by Rebecca Sulock.
Mountain Xpress hit the streets in the sweltering afternoon on Saturday, and the streets hit back. Or they talked back.
Behind the scenes with the Ultimate Air Dogs at Bele Chere
In this video, Xpress’ Rebecca Sulock takes viewers behind the scenes for exclusive interviews with the Ultimate Air Dogs. The Air Dogs continue to fly all day Sunday, culminating in an epic championship match at 4 p.m. The Air Dog Memorial Swimming Arena is located just behind the BB&T building at the corner of Patton and Lexington Avenues.
Video by Jake Frankel
Kellin Watson at the Haywood Street Stage at Bele Chere
Kellin Watson performed an energetic, soulful set with a touching tribute to her grandmother. Michael Bellar was on keys and Aaron Price on bass.
Circus performers Exuro Entertainment perform at Bele Chere
Jacob Felder and Kara Chambers from Exuro Entertainment in Winston Salem preform at the intersection of Biltmore Ave. and Aston St.
The Dirty Guv’nahs on Coxe

Bele Chere Busk Break: Nic Coker
Banjo player Nic Coker from the Swannanoa-based country swing band The Screech Owl Serenade was catching the final hours of hassle-free downtown busking on Thursday, as the city transformed itself for Bele Chere. Here, he performs an instrumental version of traditional tune “Bully of the Town.”
Bele Chere after dark
This image of the moon and inflatable people from local photographer Jay Joslin was taken last night. Joslin writes that the photo was “taken after everything was shut down, all was quiet except for them…”