“People who have served the state of North Carolina well while I was growing up include Jim Hunt, James Martin, Congresswoman Sue Myrick, Mark Meadows and U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms.”

“People who have served the state of North Carolina well while I was growing up include Jim Hunt, James Martin, Congresswoman Sue Myrick, Mark Meadows and U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms.”
“Ever since Trump has come in, the Democrat mafia has been fighting him. These thugs have worked to destroy the U.S. for many years!”
“Fox newsman Bill O’Reilly said he is ‘mad at God’ for failing to protect him from his $32 million sexual harassment lawsuit. You gotta wonder if ole Bill ain’t asking for a really special favor from God.”
A look at what’s been making headlines in politics this week: Clinton comes to town; the Chads come to blows.
Crowds are streaming in for Pres. Bill Clinton, who’s stumping in downtown Asheville for incumbent Rep. Heath Shuler (11th District, U.S. House of Representatives). Xpress and a multitude of other press with bigger cameras. And satellite dishes. And trucks. Here’s an early crowd shot (stay tuned for more, and follow @MXNews and/or #avlbill on Twitter).
photo by Margaret Williams