In the fifth installment of Xpress’ limited series “On the Record,” Roberto “Bo” Hess discusses his youth, a life-changing event and how his profession as a social worker informs his views on the arts and local politics — all to the soundtrack of Erykah Badu’s 2000 album Mama’s Gun.
Tag: Bo Hess
Showing 1-6 of 6 results
Council candidates share life on the campaign trail
With the general election six months away, Xpress asked each candidate about campaign strategy and lessons from the trail thus far.
Sustaining community: A conversation with Asheville City Council candidate Roberto ‘Bo’ Hess
“A common misconception about Asheville City Council is that members are distant from everyday community concerns. In truth, Council members are community members too, deeply invested in Asheville’s well-being,” says Roberto “Bo” Hess, who is one of six candidates vying for three open seats on Asheville City Council.
2024 Primary Election Voter Guide
As the saying goes, “All politics is local.” At Xpress, we firmly believe this, which is why we’ve focused our primary election guide on local races that pertain specifically to Buncombe County. There will be a lot of new faces on local boards, offices, councils and benches. Asheville Vice Mayor Sandra Kilgore is one of several […]
2022 Primary Voter Guide: U.S. House of Representatives District 11 — Democratic
Candidates in the U.S. House of Representatives District 11 2022 Democratic primary share their positions with Xpress.
Democratic NC14 candidates hold first Buncombe forum
Five Democratic candidates aiming to represent Buncombe County as part of North Carolina’s 14th Congressional District participated in the forum held at the Ferguson Auditorium at A-B Tech.