Goodbye Bele Chere, hello “creative economies”

This year’s Bele Chere will be the last — at least, the last run by the city, as Asheville City Council members agreed during a March 12 budget session to end their financial involvement. As part of an overhaul in the way government deals with arts and festivals, city staff are also studying a proposal that sets up a “creative economies” chief, instead of a traditional arts administration staff. Photo by Max Cooper.

Are the inmates running the nuthouse?

I wonder how long Asheville Mayor Terry Bellamy would last in office if she ran the munici- pal government the way Washington, D.C., is run? She is constricted to a budget. Just like those of us who live in Asheville and Western North Carolina, we must live within our means. Why does that not apply […]

Building knowledge: Asheville pushes for new schools

Education officials, teachers and even some students are pushing to build cutting-edge new homes for Isaac Dickson Elementary and Asheville Middle School. The Buncombe County Board of Commissioners will consider the proposals soon, some of them questioning the need for high-tech designs when budgets are already stretched thin. Even supporters don’t know where the estimated $60 million cost might come from.

BID bumped until Fall, Council agrees on budget

After a lengthy public hearing, Asheville City Council voted 6-0 to delay a vote on the controversial Business Improvement District proposal until Sept. 25 due to concerns about the governing structure, finances and details of its services. Council also broke a deadlock over the issue of staff salaries, approving an annual budget for the city that includes a 2 percent raise for city staff — but shy of the 3 percent Mayor Terry Bellamy advocated for.