The Buncombe County Democratic Party has raised nearly $47,000 this year — more than twice what the Buncombe County Republican Party has collected — according to the latest financial disclosure reports from the North Carolina Board of Elections. Click through for more, including video of a recent BCGOP telethon.
Tag: Buncombe Republicans
Showing 1-8 of 8 results
GOP video shows alleged violations of election buffer law at early voting site
The Buncombe County Republican Party is crying foul, claiming that members of the Democratic Party conducted campaign activities in violation of electioneering buffer requirements at a downtown early voting site. After the jump is a video made by the BCGOP showing the alleged violations.

Party time: Local Republicans and Democrats are on the move
Area politics kick into higher gear as the Buncombe County Democratic precinct meetings take place on Saturday, and the newly organized Young Republicans have a kickoff party on Monday.

GOP decries vandalism of Patton Ave. billboard
At a press conference today, Buncombe County Republican officials and activists criticized the defacing of a “Vote Republican” billboard, which was spray-painted with “Drop bombs on families!!!?”

Buncombe County GOP alleges election violations
The Buncombe County Republican Party will submit complaints alleging that election law was violated when James Taylor concert tickets were given away “at several polling locations,” according to a statement issued this afternoon.

Buncombe County Republicans elect new chairman
Tim Johnson takes the helm of the local GOP as the party prepares for a big election year.

Buncombe County Republicans hand reins to Delk
Avery’s Creek resident Mark Delk will head Buncombe County Republican Party.

Who’s up next? Buncombe Republicans to name new chair June 4
In the wake of the sudden resignation in early May of its new chair, Mike Harris, the Buncombe County Republican Party has been through the rumor mill and come out on the other side.