The independent monitor was appointed when HCA, a for-profit health care system, purchased the nonprofit Mission Hospital for $1.5 billion in 2019.

The independent monitor was appointed when HCA, a for-profit health care system, purchased the nonprofit Mission Hospital for $1.5 billion in 2019.
“If a patient or client has a poor-fitting wheelchair and/or poor seating, it contributes to an endless cascade of treatments, suffering and hospitalizations instead of patient progress.”
“The clinic serves young children, adolescents and adults with conditions including spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, spina bifida and cerebral palsy. … A perfect fit is necessary — not just for comfort — but to prevent potentially life-threatening pressure sores.”
“How does all that work in practice? The Asheville Chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America will host someone who knows at their meeting at CarePartners, 68 Sweeten Creek Road, on Wednesday, Oct. 2, at 10:15 a.m.”
The sale of Mission Health to HCA Healthcare means several changes to organizations and services once affiliated with Mission, including a shift of adult day care services from CarePartners to a new nonprofit, MountainCare.
The Alzheimer’s Association — Western Carolina Chapter connects caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients with a variety of resources through its Direct Connect Referral Program. In Asheville, Memory Care also offers support services for people who have dementia and their families. Both organizations advise caregivers to seek help rather than go it alone.
Optimism is more than magical thinking that an illness or medical condition will simply go away. A healthy dose of hope, conveyed by the doctor, can help start the healing process.
You don’t have to be a medical professional to play a vital role in the medical field. The folks at Mission Hospital (as well as countless other wellness and medical organizations) know this to be true. Last year, 671 volunteers contributed nearly 84,000 hours of service to Mission Hospital.
CarePartners receives grant for PACE services CarePartners, a local nonprofit and member of Mission Health, recently received a $220,000 grant from the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust and is now seeking approval to become a PACE (Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) providing. The primary purpose of PACE programming is to help elders remain […]
Caregivers don’t always think of themselves as such. They are simply the husbands, wives and children of loved ones who are ill and need help. But the truth is that caregivers are often spread so thin that they need a little help themselves.
CarePartners and Mission Health went public with the future of their working relationship today when leaders from the two health care organizations announced that CarePartners will seek an affiliation with Mission Health. Above, Mission Health President and CEO Ron Paulus talks about the merger. (Photo by Caitlin Byrd)
End-of-life care, your last wishes … “You have to give these things a lot of thought,” says local resident Ron Scheinman.
Ryan Conrad, 34, combines yoga and physical therapy for both his patients at Care Partners and his students at local yoga studios. Here, he demonstrates Uttanasana at One Center Yoga. This is the third post of a yoga-pose series for Xpress by freelance writer and yoga instructor, Kate Lundquist. (Photos by Kate Lundquist)
When CarePartners certified nursing assistant Kelly Robertson goes to work, she doesn’t usually bring a film crew. However in early May, that’s exactly what happened.