Haywood benches reversed “to deter criminal activity” ***updated 12:26 p.m. Tuesday***

Two benches at the intersection of Haywood and Walnut streets were reversed last week: They’re now back to back instead of facing each other. A city spokesperson says the step was taken when, after investigating complaints of drug dealing and other criminal acts, the police “found that certain people were using the positioning of the benches to view and discreetly communicate police activity to one another.”

Proposed ordinance triggers fight over a sustainabl­e Asheville

A proposed ordinance that would allow considerably more density — and faster approval — for green, affordable development saw a reversal last week when the city’s Planning and Zoning Commission voted it down 3-2 and recommended a scaled-down version instead. The rules triggered a debate about exactly how Asheville will pursue the oft-touted goal of sustainability.

South French Broad water interrupti­on shuts down YWCA ***UPDATED 3:30 p.m.***

A “scheduled water interruption” in the South French Broad Avenue area has shut down water to homes, along with the YWCA’s child care center and summer camp. According to YWCA marketing director Ami Worthen, however, the organization received no notice of the interruption beforehand. Shortly after 2 p.m., water returned to the area.

Nips and tucks

Asheville’s budget for the next fiscal year will come in at around $135 million, Chief Financial Officer Ben Durant predicts. And if City Council approves the budget he’ll propose on May 12, it will be balanced, with revenues equaling expenditures. That’s an accomplishment even in a good year, but all the more so given that […]

City of Asheville survey

This document contains a survey that the city of Asheville will circulate in April to gauge citizens’  opinions of the city’s performance. Developed by the National Research Center, Inc. and the International City/County Management Association, the National Citizen SurveyTM, hits on a wide variety of topics, from transportation to crime to general demographics. Alongside the […]

Let’s talk about the Downtown Master Plan

The draft document of the Downtown Master Plan has been public since last week, but Thursday, Jan. 15, is the official rollout date, when Asheville residents can hear—and comment on—details addressed in the draft, such as building-height and new compliance guidelines and the already-controversial Asheville Design District, a proposed new downtown-management entity. (View the document […]

A time to reflect

It’s been a really tumultuous time for our country recently—and also for Asheville and Buncombe County. So now we move forward, and while I’m filled with optimism both for our nation and for this city, I’m not ready to say “We have overcome” and forget the struggle that got us to this place. There are […]