“On Sept. 30, the Citizens’ Climate Lobby and the UNCA Student Environmental Center are hosting a workshop titled Constructive Communication & Engagement on Climate Change. It will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. at the UNCA Brown Hall, Room 218.”

“On Sept. 30, the Citizens’ Climate Lobby and the UNCA Student Environmental Center are hosting a workshop titled Constructive Communication & Engagement on Climate Change. It will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. at the UNCA Brown Hall, Room 218.”
In an increasingly divisive and violent world, many Ashevilleans are seeking a gentler and more compassionate way to communicate. Nonviolent, or compassionate, communication, practiced by several local helping professionals, emphasizes empathy and honest self-expression in building authentic relationships.
What do zombies, sports and cola have to do with the weather? On Monday, Feb. 23, Dr. Marshall Shepherd — the director for the program in atmospheric sciences at the University of Georgia — intends to tackle that question in a presentation titled “Zombies, Sports, and Cola: What does it mean for Communicating Weather and Climate?” The […]