This conversation is the second in a series of interviews with members of Asheville’s Black community involved in establishing reparations for those who have been affected by generations of systemic racism in Asheville and Buncombe County.

This conversation is the second in a series of interviews with members of Asheville’s Black community involved in establishing reparations for those who have been affected by generations of systemic racism in Asheville and Buncombe County.
The fourth generation Ashevillian’s deep appreciation for her roots is what propels her to give the next generation of Black residents — including her three children — something to honor.
“Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church firmly believes it is time for these entities to address the pervasive anti-Black racism by approving these recommendations and providing reparations.”
City staff, however, plans to recommend the commission get only another three months to complete its task of finalizing recommendations for how the city and county can repair harm caused by generations of systemic racism and produce a final report. The discrepancy rankled commission members.
Commission member MZ Yehudah cut right to the point at a recent meeting of the Community Reparations Commission. “Are reparations for Black Asheville legally defensible?” The answer, according to city and county attorneys, is complicated.
As a deadline nears for the Community Reparations Commission, pressure mounts for the group to finalize its recommendations for how the City of Asheville and Buncombe County governments can make amends to their Black residents.
“The government should be doing all it can to support the commission in crafting recommendations to repair harm from the centuries of damage done by our government and society to Black people.”
At a Community Reparations Commission meeting March 18, the Carter Development Group identified four themes and outlined 10 “high priority” recommendations for actions local governments should take to cease harm to their Black residents.
The Stop the Harm Audit’s key overall findings revolve around the availability of data, equity training, affordable housing and hiring practices, according to the presentation by Adrian Carter, project lead and founder of the Carter Development Group.
Pay for educators, equity for underrepresented populations and housing affordability, as well as nationwide inflation, underpinned efforts to improve the quality of life for Asheville-area residents in 2023, as expressed by Xpress’ Year in Review survey of engaged citizens and leaders.
A joint recommendation drawn up by education and economic development focus groups from the commission focused primarily on what facilitators called an “education resource campus” to provide a place where Black folks know they could access resources.
After existing provider WastePro proposed rate hikes as part of its contract renewal, the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously Nov. 21 to seek alternative providers on the open market.
“There are numerous fatal flaws in this misguided creation, but the big one is that it is running in direct opposition to the hard-won progress of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.”
After 18 months of meetings and nearly $500,000 spent, Asheville’s reparations commission — tasked with making recommendations for restitution for generations of racial injustice — has now lost its second project manager in a year. Additionally, the commission is asking for more time to draft its final recommendations.
The Buncombe County Board of Commissioners will reconsider changing the time of some government meetings after a survey of residents revealed a majority in favor of a new schedule. According to a proposal attached to the board’s agenda for Tuesday, July 18, the board’s first meeting each month would move to 10 a.m., preceded by […]
The Buncombe County Board of Commissioners may partner with a conservation nonprofit to acquire 342 acres on Deaverview Mountain for a county park at its regular meeting Tuesday, April 18.
Just 11% of Black students in grades 3-8 at Asheville City Schools scored as proficient in math, with 13% proficient in reading. Rates were somewhat better in the county system, with 21% of Black pupils proficient in both subjects, but still fell well below those of white, Hispanic and Asian students.
On Tuesday, Feb. 7 — the same night the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners will issue its proclamation for Black Legacy Month — its members will vote on approving a racial equity audit of Asheville and Buncombe government requested by the Community Reparations Commission.
The reparations commission unanimously approved a recommendation for the city of Asheville and Buncombe County to “stop further harm” to the Black community by “ceasing the repetition of institutional processes that lead to racially disparate outcomes.” The audit is meant to ensure that such harms have actually ceased and that local governments are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
The proposed audit, presented to the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners on Jan. 17, would look at whether the city and county are complying with “federal and state laws, regulatory bodies, codes of conduct, court orders and consent degrees,” with a focus on damage caused to the Black community by noncompliance.
Yetzirah will present a reading featuring three Jewish poets. Plus, Artéria Collective students will document the reparations process, Asheville Junior Theater will put on Peter Pan Jr. and a Tyger Tyger exhibition will focus on the night.