Letter: A fatal flaw in the Reparations Commission

Graphic by Lori Deaton

Asheville’s Community Reparations Commission continues to meet expectations. Failure is assured when a special interest enterprise is set up with an impossible mission.

Following the recent retreat of their second consulting firm in two years, one notes that over $350,000 in taxpayer funding has been invested in outside resources — with no tangible constructive production. That figure does not include the dollars invested in the city’s liberally autocratic bureaucracy devoted to this divisive initiative, nor the participants’ unique status through paid versus volunteer board membership.

There are numerous fatal flaws in this misguided creation, but the big one is that it is running in direct opposition to the hard-won progress of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Good people have worked too hard too long to take discrimination by color out of our cultural equation.

This latest induced exercise in a glorified sympathy by our hyperdominating Democratic Party will serve no purpose than to further unravel our already precarious social unity. That a few people will fill their pockets, secure a platform for personal vanities or justify a position in the bureaucracy does not compensate for the toxic reality of this commission’s motivations, missions and methods.

Shame is due for the elected officials who breathed life into this pretense, those exploiting the opportunity to personal advantage and predictable media outlets declining to attend to this assault on the uplifting potentials of an authentic version of social justice — so strenuously secured in 1964.

— Carl Mumpower


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5 thoughts on “Letter: A fatal flaw in the Reparations Commission

  1. Mike Rains

    My father’s best friend (both long deceased) lost his left arm in a freak auto accident when he was just 20. He was driving with his left arm hanging out the window (as many did back in the late 1940’s) when a box truck crossed the centerline on a curve and sideswiped his car, mangling his arm.

    The hospital immediately amputated the arm; there was no other possibilty. As related by my Dad’s friend, the surgeon came to visit him a day later and told him in a very clear, but compassionate way that he needed to move on with his life, even without that arm. That he could live life just as fully and not to play the victim or feel sorry for himself. My Dad’s friend went on to live a very fullfilling life with family and friends. One of my vivid memories as a young boy was watching him light his cigar with a matchbook in only one hand! He made it look easy.

    My great uncle had a totally different life experience. He lost one hand trying to unjam a corn picking combine. This was quite common back in the 1950’s. This resulted in the proverbial “hook” which was used back then to aid in dexterity. My uncle never really bounced back from that accident, taking odd jobs and drinking. His wife, my great Aunt was one hard working lady but had a “caretaker personality” with her husband and many others. As such, she did not push him to move on with his life. Ultimately he played victim long enough, gave up and he ended up laying in a nursing home bed for the last 15 years of his life.

    Life can be cruel. Life can throw some tough things our way. But staying a “victim” in life rarely is the best choice.

  2. indy499

    The reparations group is setting up a great disappointment for anybody thinking they are in the $$$. Almost all the recommendations are illegal. None are happenning.

    The $ spend on these silly consultants could be put to at least some use elsewhere.

  3. MV

    The very first thing they should do is demand that city and county schools begin teaching financial literacy skills early to all citizens of all colors. Half the problems in our society would vanish if all people built up frugality muscles and took control and became accountable.

  4. Enlightened Enigma

    Another brilliant letter by Dr. Mumpower, every word true.

    MV, government ‘educators’ do NOT want to teach young students any financial literacy to keep them more dependent throughout their lives…even their parents are gross examples already.

    These reparations people are humiliating to the rest of Asheville and the world.

  5. T100

    For those who worship at Rev Kendi’s church of Critical Race Theory advocating for a color blind society is RACIST.. regardless of what Rev. King said.

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