“Asheville lost one of its greatest when Connie Bostic died last month. Connie was a creator, and Asheville was her beneficiary.”

“Asheville lost one of its greatest when Connie Bostic died last month. Connie was a creator, and Asheville was her beneficiary.”
Show curators Connie Bostic and Marya Roland discuss the joys of the democratic art form.
In 16 paintings, local artist Connie Bostic pays tribute to the many local Black women who cared for white children in the first half of the 20th century.
The Fairview-based artist examines women’s roles in society; plus information on upcoming works, contests and the return of movie theater popcorn.
The exhibition, which opens on Friday, Sept. 28, not only examines the work of one of the most widely-regarded modern artists of the 20th century, but celebrates the relocation of BMCM+AC its new 120 College St. home.
Cupcakes have become the “in” thing in the culinary world: They’re sweet, have lots of gooey frosting, are easy to eat and hassle-free, no plate or fork required. They do, however, lack the elegance of a torte or the substance of a pound cake. But what does all this have to do with the local […]