Build jobs, not buildings

Asheville has been getting a lot of new buildings around town, in such places as UNCA, Asheville High, AB-Tech and the courthouse. Where is the money coming from to fund all these? You guessed it: job cuts. The state is also reducing or cutting much-needed mental-health services across the North Carolina. UNCA cut staff or […]

Commission­ers: tear down that wall!

An 80-foot retaining wall? That should have been the first red flag to the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners back before they gave approval for it [“House and (Affordable) Home,” Jan. 12 Xpress]. Or, if a developer says, "We have to scalp the mountain and move thousands of tons of dirt to build an apartment […]

An Asheville native reflects, laments

I grew up here, attended preschool at both First Presbyterian downtown and Asbury United Methodist, [and visited] the north branch of the library when it was behind First Union Bank. I frequented Beanstreets and Reader’s Corner. I’ve watched this town and all the changes it’s been through. Businesses come and go, and some preschools might […]

Asheville City Council Meeting: Live Twitter Coverage

Asheville City Council meets tonight at 5 p.m. on the second floor of City Hall — and our senior reporter, David Forbes, will be there in the front row bringing it to you live as it happens on the Twitter. Get all the latest goings-on by following @DavidForbes, by using the hashtag #avlgov, or by clicking through to the next page where you’ll see a live Twitter feed.

Live Twitter-based coverage of Sept. 28 Asheville City Council meeting

This post includes Xpress Senior Reporter David Forbes’ live Twitter-based coverage of tonight’s Sept. 28 Asheville City Council meeting. Council is set to take up two matters that involve the ongoing debate over how the city should develop: the 100-unit Caledonia Apartments in Kenilworth and extending incentives for workforce housing.

Changing of the guard?

The past few years have been busy ones for the Buncombe County Planning Board, as the county’s seen the advent of zoning, record growth and more than one controversial development-related issue. During that time, four board members simply stayed on after their three-year terms had ended, despite not being formally reappointed (members can serve up […]

Going up?

The Haywood Park project is big: On that, everyone agrees. Developer Tony Fraga‘s proposed megaproject would fill up much of the block between Page Avenue and Haywood Street in downtown Asheville, including a 100-unit, high-rise condominium tower; a 200-room, 23-story hotel; 42,000 square feet of office space; 80,000 square feet of retail space; and 506 […]

Broadway doubles down

Wearing a hard hat and shades, Kevin Kerr taps a column of pinkish stone in the soon-to-be-completed Pioneer Building on Broadway just behind Greenlife Grocery in Asheville. The new neighborhood: A postcard showing the Five Points Village plan and surrounding structures that are planned for Broadway. According to the developers, the Pioneer Building will be […]