In the fourth month of its five-month subdivision moratorium, Jackson County has begun public hearings on its newly drafted proposals for subdivision regulation.

In the fourth month of its five-month subdivision moratorium, Jackson County has begun public hearings on its newly drafted proposals for subdivision regulation.
Robert Branberg, of Anderson, S.C., recently discovered that he is part-owner of a jetport in Madison County, or rather, he owns part of a jetport. Specifically, he appears to hold title to a hundred feet or so of the middle of a runway.
Weaverville First, an activist group formed in response to development plans that will displace residents in the Mountain Terrace trailer park, announced this week that they have secured substantial funding from Harris, Murr and Vermillion, developers of the project. The trailer park is located on part of an 85-acre parcel slated for North Ridge Common which will include a Wal-Mart and a Lowes building-materials store.
Local development debates are drawing creative responses from several quarters. A Council of Independent Business Owners TV ad is one of the latest salvos.
Hearing groans from both citizens and the county’s infrastructure, the Jackson County Board of Commissioners is holding a public hearing Feb. 27 on a proposed, six-month subdivision moratorium.
Mountain Voices Alliance will offer a community forum on development issues in southeast Buncombe County at the Fairview Community Center on Saturday, Feb. 10, from 10 a.m. to noon.
With a laugh, Shuford feigned surprise that the Staples office-supply building swept the voting among bad examples. The good, the good-or-bad and the ugly: The Atlanta Bread Company and the Medicine Shoppe topped a recent poll of Merrimon-area residents for best design, while CVS Pharmacy and the Medicine Shoppe finished first and second in the […]
“It’s always tough to see neighborhoods changing like this. But we all have to make room in a growing community.” — Council member Brownie Newman on condos proposed for the East End/Valley Street Neighborhood Whether a neighborhood is upscale or working-class, residents seem to be of one mind when it comes to new development in […]