On Tuesday, Oct. 3. writer Wiley Cash will celebrate the official release of his third novel, The Last Ballad, with a reading and book-signing session at UNC Asheville’s Lipinisky Hall.

On Tuesday, Oct. 3. writer Wiley Cash will celebrate the official release of his third novel, The Last Ballad, with a reading and book-signing session at UNC Asheville’s Lipinisky Hall.
“This cultural heritage is the root of who we are, the vein of our very existence, and here in the mountains, it runs deep.”
In July 2015, Kristina Horton — great-granddaughter of famed labor activist Ella May Wiggins — published Martyr of Loray Mill, a biography of her forebear. Xpress spoke with Horton ahead of her reading at Malaprop’s on Sunday, Jan. 17, to discuss Wiggins’ life, the meaning of her struggles and why it remains important to remember Ella May’s sacrifice.