Since 2019, Travis Rountree, assistant professor of English at Western Carolina University, has worked to help archive Western North Carolina’s LGTBQ+ community.

Since 2019, Travis Rountree, assistant professor of English at Western Carolina University, has worked to help archive Western North Carolina’s LGTBQ+ community.
“Perhaps the greatest danger of unwanted change comes from within the city itself, from apathetic and cynical millennials, hippies, anarchists, witches, crystal-worshippers and other folks who simply have given up on politics altogether.”
“Actually, this bill is in a way directed at every single person who lives in North Carolina. Discrimination of any kind applies to every one of us who lives here.”
“A state that sanctions discrimination and hate is not a place that I wish to call home.”
The DOMA decision creates opportunities for LGBTQ individuals. Pictured: Participants in the Campaign for Southern Equality’s “We Do” action, in which LGBTQ couples request marriage licenses from registry offices throughout the the South. Photo by Max Cooper
What is this, target practice? In that case, go long next time. To Pastor Keith A. Ogden: your “argument” has been countered so many times, it has become redundant and boring [“What's Next, Polygamy Benefits?” March 27 Xpress]. Biblical marriage consists not only of polygamy, but also rape, slavery, pedophilia, incest, murder and an assortment […]
In response to Rev. Keith Ogden's March 27 letter regarding the current “dangerous” homosexual legislation, here are some reasons we should oppose Marriage Equality [“What's Next, Polygamy Benefits?” Xpress]. Being gay is not natural. Real Americans reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, air conditioning and science in general. Gay marriage will encourage people to be […]
Jery Tillotson’ letter needs to lighten up on the hyperbole a little [“Forrester, the Klan and Hitler: brothers under the skin?” Oct. 19 Xpress]. Tillotson compares Sen. James Forrester to Hitler, really? The gay-marriage fight is a financial one. A move for tax and insurance-rate breaks that go with “married” status. For the record, I'm […]
Today, about 150 supporters of the WE DO campaign rallied in front of City Hall before marching down to the Buncombe County Register of Deeds, where 12 same-sex couples requested — and were denied — marriage licenses. In an act of civil disobedience, Kathryn Cartledge and her partner Elizabeth Eve, partners for 30 years, sat down and began reading rights given to heterosexual married couples until arrested and removed by Sheriff’s deputies. This post contains Twitter coverage from multiple sources from the rally and what followed.
I am an American. This country was founded on the principle that all people are created equal. As an American, I value this principle and will fight to defend it. This country is great because it guarantees those rights. That is why women are now able to vote, because that is their right. That is […]
Fifty-six percent of North Carolinians oppose a state constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, according to the latest Elon University poll, and the number of people who would prefer to see no legal recognition for same-sex couples has dropped since pollsters asked the same question two years ago.
The controversial constitutional amendment setting a one-man, one-woman requirement for legal marriage in the state of North Carolina has taken an odd detour as a special session of the Legislature convenes. The wording is the same, but it now appears under a bill number originally intended to set term limits for Legislative leadership.
State Sen. James Forrester, a sponsor of a proposed amendment to the North Carolina constitution that would ban gay marriage, civil unions and domestic partner benefits, called Asheville a “cesspool of sin” in remarks at a Gaston church last night, according to a report in the Gaston Gazette.
About 25 local faith leaders and several Asheville City Council members gathered today, Jan. 25, at the First Congregational United Church of Christ to advocate for “full equality for all Asheville citizens.” The resolution pushed by the faith leaders — representing a variety of traditions — calls for City Council to take four specific actions, including “extending the city’s employment non-discrimination clause to include sexual orientation, gender, and gender identity or expression.”
Photo by Jonathan Welch
Asheville commemorates the 1969 Stonewall riots today with a series of events. Photo by Michael Muller
At a press conference this morning, an interfaith group of more than two dozen local religious leaders issued a “statement of appreciation” backing Asheville City Council’s recent vote in support of establishing same-sex domestic-partner benefits for city employees.