If passed, the county would send about 450-500 laptops it decommissions every year to Land of Sky Regional Council to distribute to households in need, according to a staff presentation.

If passed, the county would send about 450-500 laptops it decommissions every year to Land of Sky Regional Council to distribute to households in need, according to a staff presentation.
According to a statement from the company, Moog plans to continue to be headquartered in Asheville, where it will continue to design, engineer, service and manufacture instruments, although a selection of instruments will be produced by “trusted partners.”
A quarterly update on the county’s strategic plan, shared with the Board of Commissioners during a Dec. 5 briefing, showed that three of the plan’s four primary goals in that area are not on track with county targets. Substance abuse deaths in particular have worsened since the plan was adopted in 2020.
This installment of WTF explains what regional councils are and what they do by exploring the impact of Western North Carolina’s Land of Sky Regional Council on the area.
“The more than a thousand citizen activists who came together as the Upper French Broad Defense Association, bolstered by staunch support from state Rep. Charles Taylor, forced TVA to abandon its plans in 1972.”
Buncombe County is expecting a large increase in its elderly population in the coming decades. The need for more caregivers will increase with the rise of the aging population.
Opportunity zones offer tax breaks to investors who put money to work in areas designated as economically depressed — including parts of every Western North Carolina county. The latest edition of Xpress’ WTF feature takes a deeper look into the significance and consequences of the program.
The state grant for Buncombe’s Low-Income Energy Assistance Program, funded as part of the first federal COVID-19 relief package, will be considered at the Tuesday, Jan. 19, meeting of the county Board of Commissioners.
To position the WNC for future growth, the region must look to emerging markets, customer bases and supply chains, state economic development leaders shared during a round table discussion with local business owners.
Collapse of tourism and leisure economies devastating to Buncombe, Brunswick and New Hanover counties.
The Land of Sky Regional Council, which serves 71 local governments across Buncombe, Henderson, Madison, and Transylvania counties, recently added educational attainment to its portfolio of goals for Western North Carolina.
“Often we can reach folks better through technology than we can face to face,” says Shane Lunsford of the Center for Psychiatry and Mental Wellness. As telehealth service offerings and technological capabilities expand, providers around the region are excited about the possibilities of new models of seeing patients and providing care.
County Manager Avril Pinder recommended no substantive changes to Buncombe’s fiscal year 2019-20 budget following a June 4 public hearing, and board members are scheduled to vote on the spending plan. The budget contains over $9.1 million in general fund capital spending, roughly $7.58 million of which will be financed through debt.
Taking place Friday, May 31, at Sierra Nevada Brewing in Mills River, the summit will discuss the role that land use plays in shaping the greater Asheville area’s transportation system and what that system might look like 40 years from now.
Activists with the Health Equity Coalition are organizing a Friday, May 24, community forum to explore how the $1.5 billion Dogwood Health Trust, created from the sale of Mission Health, offers the prospect of “life-changing” investments in the wellbeing of residents in 18 Western North Carolina counties. Also, it’s time to strive to drive less in the runup to the Strive Beyond Summit at Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. in Mills River on Friday, May 31, from 3-5 p.m.
“Jane Kennedy and I are leading Tai Chi for Arthritis and Falls Prevention in West Asheville on Friday mornings, starting Sept. 7. The class is free to participants.”
Impaired balance brings with it a higher risk of falling and all that a fall can entail. According to the National Council on Aging, falls are the No. 1 cause of both injury and death in older adults. State data indicate that the rate of fall-related death and injury is increasing among both men and women and in all age groups 65 and older. But falling isn’t inevitable, and several programs in WNC are working to reduce the number of falls older adults experience, helping avoid injury and boosting quality of life.
Few words have the ability to inspire more fear, frustration and trepidation among older Americans across the country than “nursing home.” But for those confronting the prospect of needing long-term care, a variety of care options and support services across Western North Carolina provides information to help residents find the best care available.
“This is a remarkable environmental success story! Many agencies and organizations can be proud of their contributions to this. Together, they’ve demonstrated that bold action at many different levels can successfully address serious environmental issues.”
The Culture Vulture Film Festival returns, Chai Pani’s documentary makes its Asheville debut and the Grail screens a documentary on NC politics starring Zach Galifianakis.
A great gray army is at work throughout Buncombe County: retired people donating their time to groups of every stripe. This unpaid workforce brings with it a wide variety of life experiences, but its members have remarkably similar goals: to forge connections and make this community a better place, finding meaning through giving back.