Mental hygiene: Meditation as self-care

Neuroscientist Richard Davidson’s research on the effects of meditation on brain function made waves when it was released in 2002 — and the work continues to drive growing interest in meditative practices. He’ll deliver talks at UNC Asheville on Thursday, Feb. 13, and Friday, Feb. 14, both free and open to the public. First, though, associate psychology professor Patrick Foo will lay some groundwork on the science with a presentation on Tuesday, Feb. 4.

Bryan Robinson

Local author shares mindfulnes­s strategies in new book

Bryan Robinson, a licensed psychotherapist and professor emeritus at UNC Charlotte, wrote #Chill to leverage his expertise on work addiction for a broader audience. “[The book is] not just for workaholics by any means; it’s [about] how all of us can chill, take the time to take care of ourselves and pay attention to the knee-jerk reactions that we make,” he says.

Asheville kids learn meditation and mindfulnes­s

The benefits of meditation for adults are well-researched and supported by science. Improved cognition, decreased anxiety and increased focus are just a few of meditation’s touted effects. The research on children’s meditation isn’t as plentiful, but studies have shown that kids, too, can reap the benefits of “quieting the mind.” Asheville parents and teachers are […]