Riding a bike in Western North Carolina is an immersive experience of flying on miles of single-track trails, cruising over creeks and under the tree canopy. Yet full access to nature is challenging for mountain bikers living with disabilities.

Riding a bike in Western North Carolina is an immersive experience of flying on miles of single-track trails, cruising over creeks and under the tree canopy. Yet full access to nature is challenging for mountain bikers living with disabilities.
“When I am on a bike, I feel free. I feel fast. I feel strong.”
Maintaining trails in Western North Carolina’s mountain forests poses tough choices between recreation and sustainability.
Western North Carolina is a mountain biking hub on the East Coast. And demand for new trails is high. Since the beginning of the pandemic, mountain biking has skyrocketed in popularity nationwide.
The Mortimer Trails project expands access for mountain bikers and hikers to meet increased demand despite limited federal funding for recreation in National Forests.
As urban dwellers flock to rural counties to get their fix of socially distanced outdoor recreation, local adventure shops are seeing a boom. Those located near trails, rivers and campsites have an added advantage: Close to the action means tailored advice and last-minute purchases.
Many emails represent the views of local organizations and user groups – such as the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Council, the Friends of Big Ivy, and mountain bikers – who have played active and forceful roles during the forest plan revision.
The festival returns to Hot Springs Campground & Resort Friday-Sunday, May 5-7.
The 16th annual Mountain Sports festival is a marriage of music and sports that caters to participants and spectators alike. The festival village, located at Carrier Park, will feature bands, beer, food and, of course, viewing access to a variety of sporting events.
At first glance, the 600-square-foot Bicycle Thrift Shop looks like a cubbyhole for discarded jerseys, muddied cleats and bikes that have been down a few trails. But a closer look reveals a gold mine for cycling enthusiasts on a budget who are looking to gear up. The money raised from sales supports Trips for Kids WNC, a nonprofit that helps kids get […]