“I mean, it’s the Mountain Xpress for gawrsh sakes, not Cahiers du Cinéma!”

“I mean, it’s the Mountain Xpress for gawrsh sakes, not Cahiers du Cinéma!”
“I personally believe the community was best served by those ‘one or two authoritative reviewers,’ as anyone can have an opinion about a movie, but very few know what they’re talking about.”
Scott Douglas and Francis X. Friel pick their way through “a reasonable overview of a perfectly acceptable year at the movies.” 2018, they said, involved watching many good films but only a “very few great ones.”
“Hey, Mr. Hanke — ever heard of the phrase ‘spoiler alert’?”
The payoff for this year’s sleepless local filmmakers is your attendance at the videos’ official screenings at Asheville Pizza and Brewing Co. on Tuesday, June 23 through Thursday, June 25, at 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. each night.
“I like your [movie] reviews and comments, but it would be nice if you also had a link to where the movie is playing. “
Punk rock and comic strips become powerful vehicles for discussing sexism, racism, abuse and inequality at the F-Word Film Festival. The event takes place Wednesday, March 5 at 7 p.m. in the Humanities Lecture Hall at UNCA. Free to the public.
Local production company Down Poor Pictures is premiering its first independent feature film, Ringside Rosary, at the Fine Arts Theatre on Aug. 15. Filmed mostly in Asheville, with a local cast and crew, the drama tells the story of a boxer trying to shed his criminal past.
The week after the opening of the new indie film, Frances Ha, Ken Hanke interviewed the film’s star and co-writer, Greta Gerwig. This is the interview in full.
A friend of mine who saw all three of last week’s releases (that’s one up on me) told me he’d convinced himself he didn’t see any new movies last week. His ability to block things from his mind is greater than mine. Plus, apart from this week’s art title, I see no great hope that this week is going to any better. However, that art film, Frances Ha, makes up for much.
You know it’s a pretty dire week when the thing I’m most looking forward to is Fast & Furious 6. (And you can imagine how much it pains me to type those words.) There’s not even a single new art title to brighten the weekend (no, last Friday’s ActionFest offering, Java Heat, going to a full run doesn’t count) — merely three mainstream movies I find it hard to get jazzed about. These are the conditions that prevail.
Beginning April 19, ActionFest will once again bring the best in world action cinema to Asheville — this time with a monthly ActionFest Film Series, the first of which will benefit Homeward Bound.
It is, I think, safe to conclude that the art films have it this week. We have two of those (it was three, but the third got wisely moved to next week) and two mainstream titles. The art titles are very choice indeed. The others — one I’m skeptical of, the other I’m confident will be just plain ghastly.
Regardless of how you feel about it, last week’s Oz gave the box office a much needed jab in the lassitude. While this week does have one really choice—and really specialized—title, that won’t have any bearing on national figures, it looks likely that Oz will top the box office again. But we’ll see.
Here it is: the biggest, the bestest, the baddest roundup of the year. Once again, Mr. Souther and I have worn ourselves to a frazzle — two frazzles, in fact — sifting through the excitement (and occassionally, the excrement) of movie year 2012. We will please some, displease others, and probably make a few folks downright peevish.
Much like last week, this one is not exactly bubbling over with titles. In fact, we once again find ourselves faced with two movies. Unlike last week, there’s no sense here of movies being brought in just to put something new up on those screens. Indeed, these are movies people — not necessarily the same people — have been waiting to see.
Second-graders from Beth HaTephila premier an original film adaptation of the Moses story this weekend.
Usually by this time of the year I’ve started giving some thought to what’s likely to qualify for a “Best of” list come the year’s end, but the truth is that so far the pickings have been what you’d call lean. We’ve had one sure thing and a couple of maybes — and leave us face it, that’s not so hot for a year that’s racing toward being half over. With that in mind, I’m pleased to announce that one more strong candidate opens this Friday. There are also three other titles that are not strong candidates.
A documentary! Animation! Science Fiction! Heart-warming comedy! No, they’re not all in one movie (but, boy, there’s an idea for you). They are, however, all coming our way this week. They do say that variety is the spice of life. Now we shall see if it’s the spice of moviegoing.
It’s a two and two week — two mainstream titles and two art titles (there’s a flood of art titles just now), and all in all, it looks like the art titles are the better deal, though it’s just possible that one of the mainstreamers will be a pleasant surprise. The other one? Far less likely. In fact, it’s so less likely that no one booked the lesser one after all. However, something else is!
Only three movies come our way this week. Two of them look … well, pretty grim — or so it seems to me. The third is something else altogether — and something that does much to make up for the other two. Some may disagree.