The people of this state know better

Preamble to the North Carolina State Constitution: We, the people of the State of North Carolina, grateful to Almighty God, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for the preservation of the American Union and the existence of our civil, political and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon Him for the continuance of those blessings to […]

Affirmatio­n or discrimina­tion? Council rejects Amendment One

Asheville City Council April 10, 2012 meeting Manheimer proposes hiring Council liaisons City schedules April 24 public hearing on water system There were no presentations, no public hearings and no protests before Asheville City Council members unanimously approved an anti-Amendment One resolution April 10 (Mayor Terry Bellamy was absent). For Council member Gordon Smith, the […]

Agree to disagree: Brevard College hosts 11th Congressio­nal District candidate debate

The Brevard College Jazz Ensemble played in the lobby before two of the three Democratic candidates for the 11th Congressional District, Cecil Bothwell and Tom Hill, tried to hit all the right notes with voters during a March 22 debate. The third candidate, Hayden Rogers, was unable to attend. Hosted by the Brevard College Debate […]

North Carolina earns a C- on corruption risk report card

According to a study released by the Center for Public Integrity and Global Integrity, North Carolina gets a C- on its corruption risk report card and failed in three areas: public access to information, state budgeting processes and redistricting. The report cards are a part of the State Integrity Investigation project. (Image courtesy of the State Integrity Investigation project)

Scenic NC’s 2012 lawsuit RE: tree-cutting for billboards

Opponents of the state’s new billboard law prepared a complaint and temporary restraining order request Feb. 29, 2012, in Wake County Superior Court. The legal action by Scenic NC, Inc., is aimed at keeping the N.C. Department of Transportation from permitting vegetation removal – primarily trees – in front of billboards and other outdoor advertising under new temporary rules set to take effect March 1.

A few questions about government

Do you feel that your government, from the local level, all the way to Raleigh and Washington, D.C., has your best interests at heart? Do you feel that they spend your money in a completely open and honest manner, with accountability for each decision and every dollar? Do you feel that they run for election […]