They say elections have consequences. I believe they may be right. Republicans have chosen, locally and nationally, a social agenda, including: a women’s right to choose, voter ID, cutting programs that benefit working and middle-class Americans, cutting education that will set N.C. back years and wanting to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. I could […]
Tag: Republican Party
Showing 22-36 of 36 results
Bring back the middle class
Thank you for publishing Martin Ramsey's wonderfully succinct and well-reasoned letter "No Borders" [July 20 Xpress]. Given the ever more polarized and vocal ravings, both locally and nationally, of the self-centered, greedy, ignorant, delusional and immature, and their championing of right wing “causes” that are utterly opposite to their own best interest (due in no […]
Services or taxes – which is it?
Jeff Gerber's July 20 letter, “Study Hard, N.C. Legislature,” perfectly illustrates the conservative mindset about government revenue and spending. He says, "making cuts to the law-enforcement and judicial system is ludicrous," and "conservatives never raise taxes.” Money doesn't grow on trees; it has to come from somewhere. In the case of government-provided services such as […]
Let’s see some receipts, Raleigh
State Republicans claim to be saving the state money, but it just isn't adding up. As part of the new state budget, Republicans cut expenditures of the Capitol Police force in half, from 4 million to 2 million. Now 40 of 89 officers are on the unemployment line. Seven of 14 patrol cars sit idle. […]
Study hard, N.C. Legislature
Under the Republican majority in the N.C. House and Senate, we have gone from an F-rated, ineffective state Legislature to a B-rated, well-run Legislature. As a lifelong conservative Republican who understands conservative values must come before party affiliation, I wish I could rate the Republican majority with an A, but cannot due to a few […]
Kudos to Nelda Holder on home rule
Kudos to Nelda Holder for her column on home rule, pointing out how the N.C. Democratic Party is merely getting a taste of its own medicine [“You Say Po-tay-to,” June 22 Xpress]. Her departure from Mountain Xpress editorial power has been a huge loss. Home rule is a big part of the reason I left […]
Sen. Tom Apodaca, on behalf of the Senate Republican Caucus
The North Carolina Senate released a state budget this week that makes government live within its means and puts more money in the pockets of taxpayers, while protecting essential public services. Among others, our budget makes three responsible, long-overdue changes. First, it reforms North Carolina’s broken education system. An educated workforce is vital to our […]
In response to the “Defend the American Dream” rally
I'm not a Republican or a Democrat; I just want to ask how long it plans to contribute to America's great divide? Regarding recent budget-cut proposals, or "Republican attacks" as you called them in your recent "Defend the American Dream" campaign, I'm certain that there are errors in whatever cutbacks the Republicans have put […]
Behind the scenes video preview: Shuler, Miller to discuss positions live tonight on WLOS
In a live broadcast expected to reach nearly 100,000 voters tonight, Oct. 14, in the 11th District, incumbent Congressman Heath Shuler and his Republican challenger Jeff Miller will appear together on WLOS in an informal “sit down” with news anchor Russ Bowen. Xpress reporters Michael Muller and Jake Frankel visited the WLOS studios last night for a behind-the-scenes video tour of the studio and to get a preview of the big event.

Johnson wins state GOP Vice Chair election
Late-breaking news over a domestic-violence conviction — and the ensuing fracas within the GOP — didn’t stop Buncombe County Republican Party Chair Timothy Johnson from sweeping to victory in the election for vice chair of the state party on Saturday.
GOP chooses Fryar to replace Dunn in commish race
After two-and-a-half hours of deliberation, the Buncombe County Republican Party’s Executive Committee on Aug. 18 chose auto dealer Mike Fryar, who placed last by a narrow margin in the May 6 Republican primary, to replace Joe Dunn in the Board of Commissioners’ race. A release from the party touted Fryar’s role in the bipartisan “Let […]
Dunn done; Buncombe GOP searches for replacement
Former Asheville City Council member Joe Dunn, who finished with the most votes in May’s Republican primary for the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners, announced on July 24 that he is withdrawing from the race. Family first: Former City Council member Joe Dunn has bowed out of the county commissioners race, citing his need to […]

Buncombe GOP searches for commish candidate
With former Asheville City Council member Joe Dunn dropping out of the race for a county commissioner’s seat, the Buncombe County Republican Party has put out an open call for a replacement candidate.
Buncombe Commish: the Republicans
A thin crowd had settled into Magnolia’s Raw Bar & Grille on election night. In one corner of the downtown Asheville watering hole, a muted TV flashed images of Dancing With the Stars—high kicks and twists, sparkle tights and stretch vests. Beneath the dancing, a crawler announced less frivolous happenings—the incoming results of the local […]

After election night: what’s next?
With primary results in, local pundits and political leaders ponder the future.