It’s the Republican­s’ turn!

It is my understanding that the political party in power appoints its people to head boards, commissions, offices, etc. This is the first time in [many] years that the Republican Party has had this opportunity. This is an important obligation; but it appears some Republicans feel embarrassed by the need. Trena Parker has been director […]

Voter ID is a cheap shot

A friend of mine who lives near A.C. Reynolds High School passed along a mailer that was sent out by [N.C. House candidate] Nathan Ramsey. This mailer was touting the need for laws that require state residents to show an ID to vote. Shame on Nathan Ramsey for buying into the GOP's voter-suppression efforts that, […]

The N.C. Republican Party is tarnishing the state’s name

The proposed platform of the North Carolina Republican Party includes the following language: "Government should treat all citizens impartially, without regard to wealth, race, ethnicity, disability, religion, sex, political affiliation or national origin. We oppose all forms of invidious discrimination. Sexual orientation is not an appropriate category." So, here we see their true colors. We […]

Back to the future in North Carolina

Democrats controlled the N.C. Legislature for 140 years. Less than two years after Republicans took control of the North Carolina General Assembly, they skillfully managed to get a constitutional amendment passed, voiding all civil unions as well as guaranteeing [that] gay men and women in North Carolina have no equal protection under the law and […]

Ten reasons to vote Republican in November

If you want the government to come between a woman and her doctor in personal matters of family planning; if mandating a trans-vaginal ultrasound is more important than the economy and creating jobs; if you want Raleigh to control local issues; if you want offshore drilling of the N.C. coast instead of wind power that […]

Bothwell, a Roosevelt Democrat

In the President’s State of the Union speech, he masterfully called America to rally to the vision of inclusiveness and fairness he has sought to implement through his presidency. Despite shrill Republican propaganda to the contrary, Obama has accomplished saving the country from complete financial meltdown, even over the unbridled and, at times, irrational opposition […]

Support Cecil!

Cecil Bothwell is running for U.S. Congress in Western Northern Carolina. He is looking to unseat the conservative pro-corporate Blue Dog Democrat Heath Shuler in the next Democratic Party primary to be held on May 8, 2012. This is a rare opportunity for the people of Western North Carolina to elect an honest and forward-thinking […]

Vote them out!

Now we know: The Republican Party and tea party, locally and nationally, have promulgated a draconian agenda of repressive and mean-spirited legislation that must not go unchallenged. Some examples of this agenda include voter ID, overriding Gov. Bev Perdue's veto of HB 854, restricting a woman's right to choose and eliminating numerous programs for the […]