Demanding higher wages, better working conditions and paid time off, workers at American Enka went on strike in late March 1941.

Demanding higher wages, better working conditions and paid time off, workers at American Enka went on strike in late March 1941.
On April 26, 1913, trolley conductors went on strike. The union members called for peaceful protest. Unfortunately, many residents did not abide by their wishes. As the protest dragged on, violence erupted, with bricks thrown and shots fired.
A few dozen fast-food workers walked off the job April 15 in support of an international action to raise the pay of low wage workers. The action marked the first time the nationwide Fight For 15 movement has made its presence known in Asheville.
Yes, they’re striking for an increase in wages, but it’s not just about that, and the issue goes beyond conditions at fast-food chains.
Historical lectures, musical benefits, multimedia art exhibits and chaotic rock shows are on the horizon. As always, we highlight these budget-friendly events to keep you entertained and your budget intact.