“Not only students and faculty contribute to this unique publication, but campus staff as well.”

“Not only students and faculty contribute to this unique publication, but campus staff as well.”
Every year, in conjunction with the annual publication of The Rhapsodist, A-B Tech’s student literary magazine, the magazine’s editorial team awards the Helen Dehnke Smith Memorial Writing Scholarship to a Rhapsodist contributor. This year the scholarship was awarded to Magnolia Wilson, currently a student at A-B Tech.
There’s more to The Rhapsodist than just getting student submissions (and some faculty offerings) into print. Students who produce the journa learn layout and graphic design, dealing with printers and publicizing the magazine (including producing videos for airing on the A-B Tech student channel), among other things. And according to the students, the journal inspires dedication and commitment.
AB-Tech’s literary arts journal, The Rhapsodist, includes original art, poetry, short fiction, creative non-fiction and dramatic dialogue. A faculty advisor and three other college staff members assist in the process of selecting material as well as the layout and printing of the journal. The publication is distributed on the A-B Tech campus at no cost […]