Goodwill Industries of Northwest North Carolina’s Career Quest program uses a combination of video interviews and tours to introduce high school students to the Asheville job market.

Goodwill Industries of Northwest North Carolina’s Career Quest program uses a combination of video interviews and tours to introduce high school students to the Asheville job market.
Kate Wargo moved to Asheville in fall 2021 with hopes for a fresh start. Teaching elementary school during the COVID-19 pandemic had left her exhausted, anxious and depressed. “It was the first time I felt dehumanized,” she says of the previous two years teaching fourth grade in Pennsylvania.
Madi Holtzman, the new director for We Give a Share, notes her vision for the nonprofit’s future. Also: Asheville Independent Restaurant Association names its new executive director; River Arts District Farmers Market lands a new location; and more!
Virtual fundraiser and new partnerships keep nonprofits moving forward, brewery taprooms are reopening and more local food news.
The county is now more than halfway through year one of a $3.6 million annual commitment for its Early Childhood Education and Development Fund. Commissioner Jasmine Beach-Ferrara, who chairs the committee that oversees the fund, says the initial investment is already paying dividends.
“The case for investment in early childhood development is settled, really. Now, it becomes a matter of convincing state leaders to make the investment and to make it wisely.”
At 19, Melissa Wilson was a single mother, working at McDonald’s and living below the poverty line. She decided to enroll in a class at A-B Tech that was part of the college’s jobs placement program. With it came free child care. Unfortunately, the class itself didn’t speak to Wilson. “I was training for an […]
Early childhood education workers are helping children develop coping strategies to deal with the effects of trauma and toxic stress.
The other day I popped into the grocery store for some dinner essentials and was immediately reminded that Halloween is just around the corner. Candy and other treats were prominently displayed along with the ghost buckets and pumpkins for carving. It has begun — the season of celebration, family, holidays, food and treats everywhere. I […]