I have been hearing about the Asheville “vortex” ever since moving here in 2011 but did not realize that the city is also host to a number of angelic beings. Three weeks ago, I suffered a severe psychotic break and found myself wandering down Biltmore Avenue, trying to make it to the hospital on foot. […]
Tag: vortex
Showing 1-4 of 4 results

F3 project aims to close the sustainability loop with canola
Advantage West held the “Fry Party” last week at a kitchen at Blue Ridge Food Ventures, located on AB-Tech’s Enka campus, to bring local attention to F3, an effort, according to project director Ron Townley, that pilots a new business model for the production of biodiesel from locally grown canola. The program, he says, is aimed at ultimately reducing Western North Carolina’s dependence on imported fuels by creating a partnership among area farmers, restaurants and biofuel producers.

Views from the vortex: In Part 2, more elders evoke our town
Part 2: Several months ago, Asheville resident Jim Chatham contacted Xpress concerning a project he was leading. Inspired by Eno Publishers’ 2012 release, “27 Views of Asheville,” Chatham challenged graduates of his periodic writing seminar, “Turning Your Life Into Literature,” to take a whack at producing their own verbal snapshots of this unique community. Twenty-one of them heeded the muse and subsequently gathered to share their respective offerings. Here’s the second batch of “views” (part 1 published on Jan. 2). (photos by Max Cooper)

Views from the vortex: Local elders evoke our town
Several months ago, Asheville resident Jim Chatham contacted Xpress concerning a project he was leading. Inspired by Eno Publishers’ 2012 release, 27 Views of Asheville, Chatham challenged graduates of his periodic writing seminar, “Turning Your Life Into Literature,” to take a whack at producing their own verbal snapshots of this unique community. Twenty-one of them heeded the muse and subsequently gathered to share their respective offerings. (photos by Max Cooper)