“We know that voters are often confused and that can lead to uncertainty and distrust,” explains Jennifer Roberts of the Carter Center, who co-organized the NC Trusted Elections Tour. She and others are out to reassure voters.

“We know that voters are often confused and that can lead to uncertainty and distrust,” explains Jennifer Roberts of the Carter Center, who co-organized the NC Trusted Elections Tour. She and others are out to reassure voters.
With new laws requiring voter ID for the first time in North Carolina and a lack of resources for non-English speaking voters, a coalition of nonprofits is working to get voters educated in time for the primary election.
The N.C. Supreme Court ruled recently that Senate Bill 824, a voter ID law originally passed in 2018 by the Republican-led North Carolina General Assembly, is constitutional, meaning photo identification will be required for the upcoming municipal elections in Woodfin and Weaverville
“Unquestionably,” writes Judge Motz in the fourth circuits repeal of the voter ID law, “North Carolina has a long history of race discrimination generally and race-based vote suppression in particular.” Some argue this history remains largely unknown. Others argue voter fraud is the greater issue, not history.
This past March, 700 Democracy North Carolina volunteers spread out across the state to assure that no voter was illegally turned away from the polls on account of the state’s 2013 voter ID law. In addition to providing voters with information on their rights, volunteers also handed out short surveys asking voters about their experience. […]
86-year-old Reba Miller Bowser went to the Patton Avenue DMV office on Monday to get a photo ID so that she could vote in North Carolina’s March 15 primary. Though she had all the documents listed on the DMV’s list of required identification, the lifelong voter nonetheless left empty-handed. State DMV officials now say Bowser should not have been turned down, and have arranged for a mobile unit to visit her home on Friday.
“While not as egregious as Jim Crow poll taxes and literacy tests, the intent and result are the same: disenfranchisement and disproportionate burden on African-Americans, Latina/os, the poor and the young.”