“It is a 131-page mashup of a bill, cynically named, ‘Disaster Relief.’ I can only guess the disaster referred to was their shellacking by North Carolina voters!”

“It is a 131-page mashup of a bill, cynically named, ‘Disaster Relief.’ I can only guess the disaster referred to was their shellacking by North Carolina voters!”
“We know that voters are often confused and that can lead to uncertainty and distrust,” explains Jennifer Roberts of the Carter Center, who co-organized the NC Trusted Elections Tour. She and others are out to reassure voters.
North Carolina voters can register with one of three political parties — Republican, Democratic and Libertarian — or as unaffiliated. The last has become an increasingly popular option, both in WNC and across the state.
“Unquestionably,” writes Judge Motz in the fourth circuits repeal of the voter ID law, “North Carolina has a long history of race discrimination generally and race-based vote suppression in particular.” Some argue this history remains largely unknown. Others argue voter fraud is the greater issue, not history.
“While not as egregious as Jim Crow poll taxes and literacy tests, the intent and result are the same: disenfranchisement and disproportionate burden on African-Americans, Latina/os, the poor and the young.”
Election Day isn’t until tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov. 4, but thousands of Buncombe County voters have already gone to the polls. The percentage of local residents who voted early was relatively high this year despite a new state law that reduced the number of days it was available. This year 41,746 Buncombe residents voted early, compared […]