The prolific, native berries, can easily be found along the edges of forests or in grassy or disturbed areas in Western North Carolina August through December.

The prolific, native berries, can easily be found along the edges of forests or in grassy or disturbed areas in Western North Carolina August through December.
Wild foods, foraged from Western North Carolina’s biodiverse environment, give a boost to health as superfoods high in nutrients, say leaders of local “weed walks.”
A walk in the woods with a local foraging tour yields wild edibles, healing mushrooms and some new knowledge for participants.
Often considered a weed, locally prolific lambsquarter is actually a highly nutritious wild edible that we can harvest for free in our own backyards.
Far from the lawn nuisance it’s often considered in our culture, the dandelion has actually been celebrated since ancient times as one of the world’s top health-promoting herbs. Chris Smith of Sow True Seed offers several tasty and nutritious ways to prepare this easily identifiable and abundant wild edible.
About 125 guests, mostly area hunters, gathered at Chestnut on Biltmore Avenue for the 10th annual Wild Game Dinner at the end of February. Photo by Mark-Ellis Bennett
Back in early June, we noted the
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