Political party: Libertarian
Occupation: Contractor
Education: Environmental studies and civil engineering, UNCA; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Political experience: Libertarian Executive Committee; Libertarian Reform Caucus
Donors (top 3): I’ve been asking my friends to donate $20-$50.
Endorsements: Libertarian meeting (by consensus)
1) What are the best and worst steps City Council has taken in the past two years, and why?
Best: “They did finally get the authority to do something about the water.”
Worst: “Their worst step was not taking greater [efforts] to modernize our water and power infrastructure.”
2) What plan(s) do you support for the I-26 Connector project, and why?
“I would go with the smaller six-lane plan, due to the constraining nature of the mountains.”
3) What, if anything, should the city do to improve mass transit?
“We should get as many alternative-fuel buses as possible, and examine getting some electric trolleys running again.”
4) What specific measures, if any, should the city take to address environmental concerns?
“We should support microgeneration to reduce the carbon-and-energy-grid load through tax breaks. We need to investigate a replacement to our reliance on our local coal plant, and make sure we don’t ever build anymore fossil-burning plants.”
5) What’s your position on partisan elections?
“Locally, it was a crass power grab. The heroes here are the petitioners who reminded us that the true power lies in the sovereign people.”
6) As a member of City Council, what would be your top three priorities?
“Infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure. So: water, alternative power and the bridges/roads.”
7 What living national political figure do you most admire, and why?
“I’ve been impressed by Bill Richardson making the future happen in New Mexico with alternative energy.”
8) Under what circumstances, if any, would you support forced annexation?
“Absolutely never.”
9) What steps, if any, do you support to promote affordable housing in Asheville?
“I support decreasing our property-tax burden to help keep rent down for everyone.”
10) Would you vote for or against The Ellington high-rise project,
and why?
“At this point, I would have to vote against it, because I think it is out of scale with our community. Any future developments have to take the existing neighbors’ rights into consideration.”
What kind or “libertarian” votes against a potentially affordable future Biltmore Tower like the Ellington?
What about reducing unit density limits and residential height limits for affordable housing?