City Council to consider packed agenda in last meeting of 2016

Asheville City Council will tackle a long agenda in its final meeting of 2016 on Tuesday, Dec. 13. Council will consider rezoning parts of Asheland Avenue and awarding affordable housing grants to an apartment complex in South Asheville, while hearing reports on finances, fires, the Haywood Street visioning process and the use of accessory dwelling units as homestay short-term rentals.

Communicat­ion breakdown: city staff called to account for edible park miscues

City staff were called to account for a communication failure that led to the removal of mature fruit trees at George Washington Carver Edible Park last month. City Council approved a land use incentive grant for affordable housing on Simpson Street, amended the process for requesting a variance from the city’s signage ordinance and approved modest changes to the rules that govern downtown street performances.

New busker regulation­s up for Council’s considerat­ion at Oct. 25 meeting

On Tuesday, Oct. 25, Asheville City Council will consider new rules that would limit acoustic performances in two of the city’s most popular busking areas, the sidewalk on Haywood Street in front of Woolworth Walk and the Flat Iron at Battery Park Avenue and Wall Street. Also: a grant to support affordable housing development on Simpson Street and a change to the city’s signage ordinance.

Asheville Council to review more building projects citywide, especially hotels

Asheville City Council set itself up for a heavier workload with its decision to move forward on changing city ordinances to reduce the size of development projects Council will review. If the current pace of development continues, more projects will come before Council for approval. Council also signaled its intent to review all but the smallest hotel projects in response to concerns that hotel development has gotten out of hand.

Asheville city seal

Zoning to be focus of Sept. 6 hearings before Asheville City Council

It’s been nearly four weeks since City Council last met. Five zoning requests dominate the agenda for Council’s Sept. 6 meeting. Notably absent from the proceedings will be a public hearing on proposed standards for screening electrical substations, a zoning ordinance amendment that has already been postponed many times. Council has been asked to advance the hearing date on that matter to Jan. 10.

Asheville city seal

Council to hear residents’ input on bond referendum­; take deciding vote

City Council will hear public input on a proposed $74 million bond referendum at its Aug. 9 meeting — but all Council can do in response to those comments is vote for or against including each of the three bond categories on the general election ballot in November. The deadline to adjust the total borrowing amount in each category was July 26.

City Council considers poll results, sets public hearing on bond

Armed with survey results that indicate community support for the proposed $74 million bond referendum, City Council set a public hearing on the issue for its next meeting on August 9. Council also responded to citizen concerns about community policing in the wake of the fatal shooting by police of Jai “Jerry” Williams on July 2, announcing the formation of a task force in cooperation with the Racial Justice Coalition.

Asheville city seal

City Council queues up next step on bond referendum

City Council will meet Tuesday, July 26 to discuss the 2016 city bond referendum and hear reports on the city’s Homestay program and the Mayor’s Development Task Force. Public hearings on a land-use incentive grant for an affordable housing development project and a request for special consideration for signage at the Ingles Market at 863 Brevard Rd. are also on the agenda.