Crossing the ethics line?

Mountain Xpress crossed the line between “journalism” and “media” in printing the arrest record of Reid Thompson in “The Long Goodbye” [“Inappropriate Behavior?” sidebar, Jan. 9]. … Nothing except what Reid has been charged with in regards to the city of Asheville, Greenlife and John Swann personally is remotely relevant to this story. And the […]

Keep an eye on this show

How has it happened that our government is spending [over a] billion dollars to provide a nonessential form of entertainment to everyone in America? Children all over this country go to bed hungry every night. People live in misery or die prematurely because they cannot afford medical care. Our country supposedly doesn’t have enough money […]

Looking beneath the surface

This building is condemned! We have all seen this sight—a dilapidated building looking like it is going to fall in on itself, plastered with that ominous sign: Warning! Danger! This building is condemned. DO NOT ENTER! So we tread lightly around this building, making sure we are at a safe distance, noting that at any […]

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!

I was delighted to read Alli Marshall’s retelling of the story of Pwyll and Rhiannon in the Holiday Guide [“Holiday Folk Tale,” Dec. 19, 2007]. I was equally pleased to read Michael Newton’s letter to the editor [“Pwyll and the Celts,” Jan. 2]. I am from Wales, and Welsh is my first language. Our culture […]

No more Eaties for you

First off, a huge thanks to all that made Eaties Cereal Bar awesome! Sadly we are closed for good. I truly wished to create a space for community to come together, and I think that wish came true. But wishes don’t pay the bills. Some of you may believe my desire to move was why […]

The liberal smackdown expands

Recently the Carolina Stompers have been challenged to a debate by the local witches and pagans of Asheville [“Let’s Have a Good Ol’ Stomp-and-Chant,” Dec. 26, 2007]. Our answer to [our challengers] is “no”—they have already been stomped. What started all of their hysteria comes from a commercial we put on WLOS and YouTube, showing […]

Take this, you posturing Stompers!

In a recent letter to the editor [“Good Ol’ Stomp-and-Chant,” Jan. 2], reader Jason Korol attempts to address some of the interesting questions posed by Lady Passion, Diuvei and Coven Oldenwilde in these pages [Let’s Have a Good Ol’ Stomp-and-Chant,” Dec. 26], who have challenged the fire-breathing Carolina Stompers to a live debate that they […]

Facing racism with more than guilt

I hope that many people have seen the movie The Great Debaters, which opened in Asheville on Christmas day. This movie recounts a moment in our racial history that is both exhilarating and deeply disturbing. Lest anyone think that the lynching scene in the movie was just for show, please know that the Tuskegee Institute […]

The Biz

OK, so the holidays are over. Time to relax and breathe, right? Maybe put that new mack-daddy tent you got for Christmas to good use, or start the year with some artery-unclogging cardio as part of your New Year’s resolutions. Well, don’t get too comfortable. The Biz knows you’re just coming off the holidays and […]

Medford released with conditions­; ongoing investigat­ion includes current deputies

Former Buncombe County Sheriff Bobby Medford will be released from jail with a set of stringent conditions until his March 25 trial on extortion charges, federal judge Thomas Ellis, III ruled this afternoon, reversing a previous ruling. In remarks during the hearing, Ellis and prosecuting attorneys said that the investigation is ongoing and that deputies within the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office are targets.

Edgy Mama: Beer is good for you

This week I’m writing about that critical ingredient in sane parenting: beer. Not only is it mama’s nightly equilibrium enhancer, but this nectar is good for mama, too. Turns out that beer is the popcorn of beverages: economical, healthy, and an excellent mealtime complement, particularly when small children are underfoot.