I am part of a group of students who have been researching the effectiveness of nuclear power and are deeply concerned about the plans to [locate] nuclear reprocessing facilities in South Carolina and Tennessee.
Not only are these plants proven to be inefficient and to add to nuclear waste, but also all the shipments of spent nuclear fuel coming down from the north would likely pass right through Asheville. [The waste] would be shipped down on trucks weighing around 300,000 pounds, in currently untested TAD (Transport and Aging Disposal) units, and will be constantly radiating as the trucks drive up and down the highway.
There have been many nuclear accidents and mishaps in the past. What makes them think that there won’t be any accidents or screwups while transporting all this waste around?
An accident involving one of these trucks could contaminate the area for thousands of years, completely destroying the area around it.
We’re taking a stand against this for future generations and ourselves. Will you just sit and let this happen? Or will you stand up and say no to nuclear reprocessing?
— Quinn Scobie
Looks like the MountainX wanted some saturation coverage this week …. I’m all for many more nuclear power plants.