Private enterprise and public schools shouldn’t mix

No private company or individual should be allowed to influence the curriculum or hiring practices of any public university or public school [“Capitalism on Campus,” Dec. 23, and “Buying Your Way on Campus,” Jan. 14]. This violation of academic freedom is unethical and immoral. It should also be illegal. Shame on BB&T for making such an unethical offer! Shame on Western Carolina University for accepting it! It makes me very happy that my granddaughter just switched from WCU to UNCA!

As for Tim Peck’s letter on the same subject [“Let’s Hear It for Capitalism,” Jan. 14], where has he been for the last year? Even the catastrophic results of his laissez-faire, unregulated capitalism aren’t enough to change his mind. Fortunately, in the last election the American people [demonstrated] that they have had enough of unbridled greed.

— Fred Flaxman


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8 thoughts on “Private enterprise and public schools shouldn’t mix

  1. There is no “laissez-faire, unregulated capitalism” in this country. Name for me an unregulated market.

    The economic crisis is the inevitable consequence of 100 years of unbridled government greed and interference in the marketplace.

  2. Piffy!

    Actually, the illegal drug market *is* regulated, in that the price levels are kept artificially high (no pun intended) by being forced into the black market. The DEA work with local and state law-enforcement officials, among others, to carefully manage the supply and demand for product that they ultimately gain profit from.

    That’s regulation.

  3. Piffy!

    Sure, if you consider state-laws and regulations concerning illegal drugs part of a “competitive market”.

  4. Old78

    Anglo and American law allows ‘limited liability’ for businesses in a form called the ‘corporation’ amongst others. Were it not for this “regulation”, every shareholder in a corporation would stand good for the debts of the business, when incurred by contract or when incurred by damage done by the company in the course of its business. As it is, liability is limited to the assets of the company, and not to the personal assets of the shareholders. That is not free market. If business types want hands off by the government, they have to start by doing away with one of the biggest hand outs of all time: the legal benefits of incorporation. But they won’t. So they need to accept the forms of regulation that we need to protect us from these amazing conglomerations of power.

  5. travelah

    If you were to have your way, every teacher and firefighter in the country as well as most people with any form of retirement vehicle would face being destitute because of the operational decisions of companies they have invested in. Corporations already pay a price for being a corporation with income taxed twice, first at the company level and then as dividends paid to those who risked their money in their company.
    Incorporation exists to spur investment and protect large numbers of investors (regular everyday people!)from the insulated activities of the company. Corporations go bankrupt just as individuals do. The legal protection you oppose protects your own family members (assuming they work for a living). It is asure bet that most businesses in Asheville are incorporated in some fashion. In many cases it is a requirement just to get a decent operating line of credit.
    I have never understood this ignorant hatred for people who succeed in business. I not only want hands off by the socialists but also an end to the unfair double taxation of income imposed upon corporations. Hopefully and soon, Americans will grow weary of this Democrat cake coated with lies regarding who is at the root of our “credit crisis”.

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