Glenville Area Historical Society cancels annual fall meeting

Press release from the Glenville Area Historical Society: 

The Glenville Area Historical Society’s annual fall meeting scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 14, at 6 p.m. at the Glenville Community Center on Highway 107 in Glenville Village has been cancelled. The event will be rescheduled for a date later in September.

The program remains the same and will focus on the history of Glenville communities and neighborhoods — Old Glenville, Glenville Village, Norton, Big Ridge, Signal Ridge/Trillium and Fenley Forest. The featured speaker is Rut Lyles, grandnephew of Faye Fenley (an early Glenville summer resident), who will recall stories and anecdotes about visiting Glenville in the ’40s and ’50s.

For more information, call 828-743-1658 or email


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