Email from OnTrack WNC:
Introducing Emergency Cash Flow Counseling OnTrack WNC is excited to start offering a new service to the community – Free Emergency Cash Flow counseling. This service is available to people in Western North Carolina who:
- Have experienced a reduction in income because of COVID-19; or
- Do not have enough income to cover their expenses.
We hope you will bookmark our screening form and share it with others! Please bookmark our screening form so that you can easily access it when talking with someone who could benefit from our service or for you to have on hand in case this would help you.
- Here’s the link:
- If you have questions, contact us at
- If internet access is not available, call us at 828-255-5166 and we will screen for our services over the phone.
How is this different from OnTrack WNC’s services before COVID-19? In the past, our education and counseling focused on helping people create monthly budgets accounting for each and every expense. The pandemic has dramatically changed many people’s income and expenses. We also realize that many who are working still don’t make enough money to afford their monthly bills. We created this service to help. Emergency Cash Flow Counseling will help people:
- Create a two-month cash plan to make sure the most important expenses and bills are covered.
- Figure out how to reduce expenses or increase income to make ends meet.
- Take a look at a person’s debt, determine what to pay and how much, and evaluate other debt payment strategies available from creditors during COVID-19.
- Make choices about how to make their plan work in real life and not just on paper.
But Wait! There’s More: Our New Online Screening and Zoom Counseling Since our staff is working remotely because of COVID-19, things are a little different in our process. Here is how it works:
- Step 1: People can click and fill out our quick online Screening Form.
- Step 2: Once we receive their Screening Form, our team will review it to determine the next best step with our services.
- Step 3: For Emergency Cash Flow counseling, we will send the client a link to a secure online Counseling Form with more detailed financial questions. The answers to these questions will help the counselor to prepare before the session to make the best use of the appointment time.
- Step 4: After we receive the completed Counseling Form, our team will send a link to the client to book an online Zoom appointment with us. Clients will be able to see all the available dates and times to pick the one that works best for their schedule.
- Step 5: At the appointment time, the client will use the Zoom link we provide to connect with their counselor. This ability to connect face to face and share documents and screens will enhance the appointment as the counselor and client work collaboratively on their budget in real time during the session.
- NOTE: We have the option of phone appointments for people who do not have adequate access to phone, tablet, or computer technology and internet to do a Zoom appointment.
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