Asheville Police charge Raleigh native with multiple breaking and entering cases from fall 2020

Press release from the Asheville Police Department:

Asheville Police investigators have charged a suspect for multiple counts of breaking and entering, larceny and breaking into a vehicle, much to the thanks of committed forensics work.


In the fall of 2020, APD responded to a string of breaking and enterings to a series of offices in North Asheville and Downtown.  There were no suspects.  However, Forensic Technicians were able to recover DNA at several of the locations.  After APD Detectives received lab results back, they were to connect it to a person of interest in one of the cases, Daquian Sincere Jones.


Jones, a Raleigh native, had recently relocated to the area.  He is currently in prison for escaping DOC custody in New Hanover County where he was serving time for Breaking & Entering.

APD charged Jones with the following:

  • Breaking and Entering – Felony (6 counts)

  • Larceny after B/E (6 counts)

  • Breaking or Entering Motor Vehicle (4 counts)

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