Provide feedback on Buncombe County Five-Year Strategic Plan draft goals

Press release from Buncombe County:

In July 2019, Buncombe County began constructing its first five-year strategic plan. The County is building on that momentum with updated focus areas and goals for its next five-year strategic plan, mapping out the path through 2030. Earlier this year, hundreds of employees and community members provided input to help draft the 2030 goals, and now with the goals drafted, the County looks to get feedback to ensure the goals align with our community’s vision.

On Monday, Sept. 9 at 12 p.m., the County will host an hour-long virtual feedback session. During that session, staff will walk participants through the draft goals. Live Spanish interpretation will be available during the meeting. Learn more and register here.

Those who can’t attend are invited to visit to view the draft goals and provide feedback online. A Spanish option is available here:

The 2030 Strategic Plan works in tandem with the Comprehensive Plan 2043, which guides County land use and development. Moving forward, the County’s Racial Equity Action Plan will no longer be a standalone document; instead, goals from both it and key recommendations from the Cease the Harm Audit will be rolled into the 2030 Strategic Plan. The plan will also incorporate results from a community-wide survey conducted in Spring 2024.

To view the 2025 Strategic Plan and focus area dashboards, go to

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