Buncombe County Board of Commissioners adopts 2025 Schedule of Values

Press release from Buncombe County:

The Board of Commissioners approved a resolution adopting the uniform Schedule of Values for 2025 during its regular meeting on Sept. 3. Members of the public may appeal the schedule with the North Carolina Property Tax Commission before Oct. 3, 2024. After the appeal period ends, the Schedule of Values becomes final. Click here to view the schedule of values.

Schedule of Values purpose

The primary purpose of the Schedule of Values is to provide information about the methods and procedures used to develop the 2025 assessed property values. The schedule outlines methodology, procedures, rules, terminology, categories, and classifications used by county appraisers. Methods, procedures, and rules detailed in the Schedule of Values will be used to value property until the next countywide reappraisal. Valuation schedules are based on current market data to estimate fair market value of all properties.

Reappraisal 2025 timeline for property owners

  • September 2024 – Board of Commissioners adopts Schedule of Values
  • September-December 2024 –2025 Values are being estimated
  • Jan. 1, 2025—Reappraisal effective
  • Jan. 1, 2025—Appeal period begins
  • Jan. 1, 2025—Exemptions application period opens
  • February 2025—Value Notices in the Mail
  • April 2025—Board of Equalization & Review convenes
  • April 2025—Board of Equalization & Review adjourns
  • April 2025—Appeal period ends
  • June 1, 2025—Exemptions application period closes
  • June 2025—Board of Commissioners sets 2025 tax rate
  • August 2025—2025 Tax bills created and mailed
  • September 2025—Taxes due

Still have questions about Reappraisal 2025? Visit our informational website at buncombecounty.org/MyValue2025. Review your current property record and tax bill at tax.buncombecounty.org.

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