Asheville City Council action agenda for Sept. 10, 2024 meeting

Press release from City of Asheville

The action agenda is intended to provide the reader with an overview of the council meeting and any decisions that were made. For detailed information on this meeting, please either view the video of the meeting or the minutes of the meeting – both which can be found at here. This agenda does not provide action on ceremonial or non-substantive matters.

THIS ACTION AGENDA IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY. Authority to carry out actions related to any council decision should be obtained through normal departmental procedure.

Please call the City Clerk’s Office at 259-5601 if you have any questions.

Present: Mayor Esther E. Manheimer, Presiding; Vice-Mayor Sandra Kilgore; Councilwoman S. Antanette Mosley; Councilwoman Kim Roney; Councilwoman Sage Turner; Councilwoman Maggie Ullman; City Manager Debra Campbell; Deputy City Attorney John Maddux; and City Clerk Magdalen Burleson

Absent: Councilwoman Sheneika Smith


Manager’s Report – Update on the Human Relations Department Organizational Assessment
Report – Heard Report

Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Report – Heard Report

Public hearing to pursue and negotiate on behalf of the City debt financing associated with the refunding of the $42 million 2022 Limited Obligation Bonds. – Hearing Held

Continuation of consideration of an amendment to a conditional zoning of 179 and 144
Riverside Drive for the purposes of making changes to the project conditions and site plans
to allow for construction of 240 residential units and remove commercial uses from the project. – Motion to Approve on 4-2 vote, w/Roney & Ullman voting “no”

Public hearing to consider an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance to revise the cottage development standards. –  Motion to Continue  to February 11, 2025, Adopted Unanimously

Public hearing to consider an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance to revise the flag lot standards. – Motion to Continue To February 11, 2025, Adopted Unanimously

Consideration of appointments to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Reappted Geoffrey Barton; Appted Jane Margaret Bell, and Anna Zuevskaya

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