Biltmore launches WNC disaster relief fund

Press release from Biltmore:

Asheville, N.C. (October 7, 2024) — Amidst immeasurable challenges following the devastation of Tropical Storm Helene, Biltmore remains steadfast in a commitment to support employees and the Western North Carolina community on the path to rebuilding.

While the estate remains closed due to storm damage, as well as technology infrastructure, power, and water outages, the estate is working during this crisis to assist with immediate needs of emergency response teams, the estate’s employees, and long-standing non-profit partners in the Asheville community.

“Western North Carolina has been our family’s home for more than 125 years, and we are devastated to see Helene’s impact on our region. We remain committed to supporting our employees and neighbors in the aftermath of this unprecedented storm and the long-term recovery efforts. Now more than ever, we must work together to stabilize and rebuild this community,” said Bill Cecil, Jr., President and CEO of Biltmore.

Today, Biltmore announces a financial commitment of $2 million through the newly established “Biltmore Relief Fund for WNC” to aid in Helene relief efforts.
Inspired by the legacy of George and Edith Vanderbilt, the focus of this fund is to provide critical and immediate financial relief for people in need, including supporting employees in crisis, providing support to area non-profits aiding the region, and investing in recovery.

Funds will be directed by Biltmore to non-profit organizations for distribution in the Western North Carolina community.

For more info and ways the public can help, please see the resources here:

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