Art Bets: Shift at Castell Photography

Castell Photography once again brings nationally acclaimed photographic artists to Asheville with the group show, Shift.

The four featured artists all deal in some way with shifts of time and space. Lisa M. Robinson’s c-prints capture moody and pale seascapes whose large size envelopes the viewer in their tumultuous state. Sharon Harper makes equally large moonscape photographs by capturing multiple night exposures onto one sheet of film. The resulting image may be dotted with up to a month’s worth of moons over North Carolina. The c-prints of Fred Cray’s Rome Multiple Exposures series are intensely colored Italian landscapes whose color and compositional manipulations are all captured in camera rather than by Photoshop. Anne Arden McDonald works with common objects and household chemicals, rather than negatives, to create her 9-foot-tall silver gelatin images which could represent anything from planets to atoms. See Shift at 2C Wilson Alley until Oct. 6.


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