Odds are that you’ve heard Vittorio Monti’s “Csárdás,” even if you don’t think you have. The tune was given a synthpop makeover as the melody for Lady Gaga’s homage to Ace of Bass/ABBA-like Europop hit “Alejandro.” And while that’s interesting as trivia, it’s far more interesting that New Jersey-based busker Mary Kate ripped it right out of Gaga’s grasp, playing the original tune here on the streets of Asheville. Although she was only in town for a family visit — most of her busking is done in NYC’s Central Park — with any luck she’ll be back on the streets of Asheville in the future. Subscribe to Busk Break on YouTube and “like” us on Facebook.
Busk Break: Mary Kate performs Monti’s “Csárdás”

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