In its inaugural year, the Asheville Anime Regional Convention drew some 700 guests. To promote an even greater reception in 2015, AARC organizers will host “an unforgettable night of music, prizes and geek action” as a teaser for next year’s convention. The event draws on four musical acts, including self-described “highly danceable, theatrical nerd-pop” by Professor Shyguy, drumstep- and dubstep-infused electronica by DJ RoboRob and video game influenced tunes by My Parents Favorite Music. Headlining the show is Asheville “nerd-core” hip-hip duo The Last Word Benders, which consists of locals Midi Boss and Jeshua Morningstar and boasts “energetic performances, deep, introspective lyrics and witty fandom references.” Raffle prizes have been donated from both the convention and the evening’s performers. The party starts at Timo’s House on Saturday, Dec. 6, at 9 p.m. Photo of The Last Word Benders courtesy of the band
Asheville Anime Regional Convention plans night of music and nerdery

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