Locally published book analyzes Donald Trump in a context of societal narcissism

As November quickly approaches, discussion surrounding one of the most polarizing presidential elections in decades has intensified, from fervent whispers to a cacophonous roar of partisan rhetoric and armchair philosophizing. While voters differ passionately on the candidates’ respective platforms and personalities, there is one topic on which they all seem to agree: Donald Trump is […]

Author Ronni Lundy launches new Appalachia­n cookbook at Early Girl Eatery

Food writer Ronni Lundy will celebrate the release of her new book, Victuals: An Appalachian Journey, with Recipes, with a Lunch Launch book-signing event Wednesday, Sept. 7, at Early Girl Eatery. Featuring 80 recipes and anecdotes, Victuals — pronounced “viddles” — spotlights staples of Appalachian cuisine such as apples, corn, sorghum and beans along with the people and […]