Feeling the Moog spirit

Michelle Moog-Koussa knows her dad would've dug the spirit behind Moogus Operandi. Bob Moog, the legend. For one thing, it features an analog modular synthesizer so massive, it's known as the "Wall of Doom." And virtuoso keyboardist Erik Norlander won't be playing the monster alone. An orchestra of diverse local musicians (including Woody Wood, Ellie […]

Continenta­l drift

"I'm a mediocre songwriter, but I'm a good record maker," says Josh Rouse. The first part of that statement is arguable Rouse's 2003 album 1972 is a lush folky/groovy/disco-y meditation on that year; Subtitulo from 2006 examines his transition from the U.S. to his present home in Spain, in pretty melodies and infectious beats. Dream […]

Soul of the hills

In the domain of traditional ballad singing, Tim Eriksen wields astonishing power, with a voice full of deep, emotive qualities, a well-worn character and effortless fluidity. In fact, his new album, Soul of the January Hills, is a collection of unaccompanied ballads, shape-note hymns and folk songs, recorded completely live in one take with no […]


Hard work can pay off. Los Angeles-by-way-of-Asheville country-tinged indie-rockers Truth & Salvage Co. are proof of just how far a decade-and-a-half of paying dues (plus tenacious belief in a dream) can get you. But a little luck, paired with being in the right place at the right time, doesn't hurt. "Retro and denim and cowboy" […]

Adieu, adieu

Monday rehearsals for Asheville Choral Society begin at exactly 7:15 p.m. No chatting. No daydreaming. No fiddling with your cell phone. There's a concert coming up, and there is work to be done. Fare the well: After 40 years in music, Lenora Thom steps down to spend more time with family and friends. Photo by […]

Junker’s Blues

It's been a while since there's been a "Junker's Blues" in the Xpress. I'll forego the editorial and personal details of its hiatus (basically, it comes down to your humble correspondent being a lazy good-for-little), but I thought we'd take the opportunity to reintroduce the column with a little junker aesthetic theory. We'll get back […]

For the Love of Music

The full-length documentary, For the Love of Music, produced and directed by local filmmaker Mark Fields, tells the story of Asheville’s own Blue Ridge Orchestra, a 60-plus member orchestra made up of volunteers dedicated to making music. Don’t miss the film’s debut screening this Thursday, May 20, at the Fine Arts Theatre.