United under pop

Asheville is a city that prides itself on community and sharing. This weekend, that sentiment will spread to the local music scene as some 34 artists perform on three stages for the venue-based music festival known as POPAsheville. POP-stars: Clockwise, from top left: Ruby Slippers, The Cheeksters, EAR PWR, Laura Reed and Deep Pocket, Nevada, […]

Scenes from a service

Some art projects are just predestined to be interesting, and one eternally interesting topic is religion. In fact, almost anything to do with religious ritual is virtually guaranteed to captivate most art lovers. We gaze in awe at the amazing faith of a snake handler and the quiet serenity of a Buddhist monk sitting in […]

One-night millennium

So how does one go about condensing a millennium’s worth of music into a one-evening performance? Well, singer/songwriter Richard Thompson can’t exactly tell us, as by his own description he was “cheating” when he came up with the title “1,000 Years of Popular Music” for the show that he brings to town on Sunday. What […]

Folk all of youse

You thought you knew “Kumbaya,” that most ubiquitous of summer-camp songs foisted on unsuspecting Christian youths jacked up on bug juice and dazed by a crackling fire. “Let’s have a sing-a-long,” suggests a chipper counselor, who then strums that simpering tune on her acoustic guitar. Blue, period: Cookie LaRue may have schooled Mitchell, Dylan and […]

The art of unpredicta­bility

Group shows, whether curated or juried, can be unruly. The most challenging group shows both to install and talk about, however, are those with no central theme or concept. While viewers are often assured of variety in message, concept and medium, these shows can be uneven experiences. Experienced artists’ works may find themselves displayed next […]

Come on in my kitsch-en

A lot has been written about the DIY movement in recent years, but for those who enjoy making something—yet aren’t compelled/motivated/experienced enough to embark on a knitted afghan or decoratively painted highboy—never fear. Your crafting book has arrived. Local designer Suzie Millions, a professional artist who admits to inheriting the “festooning” gene, just published The […]

Edgy Mama: Beer is good for you

This week I’m writing about that critical ingredient in sane parenting: beer. Not only is it mama’s nightly equilibrium enhancer, but this nectar is good for mama, too. Turns out that beer is the popcorn of beverages: economical, healthy, and an excellent mealtime complement, particularly when small children are underfoot.

Full-moon fever

While the presence of politics in music can reassure listeners, socially conscious performers always run the risk of alienating and even smothering their audience. Folk singer/songwriter Catie Curtis has always been able to avoid this conundrum by channeling her convictions through an appreciation for life’s simple pleasures. In her writing, Curtis shuttles between politics and […]

Three (and their Buddy)’s Company

It’s easy to get lost in the details when thinking about the Three Girls and Their Buddy tour, no matter how you look at it. With the combined talents of Emmylou Harris, Shawn Colvin, Patty Griffin and Buddy Miller—all headlining performers in their own right, joined together for a powerhouse of a 12-date tour—it’s hard […]

All-access pass

Drama fans likely recognize José Rivera as the writer who penned the screenplay for The Motorcycle Diaries—the award-winning film about revolutionary Che´ Guevara’s early life. That film earned Rivera the distinction in 2005 as the first Puerto Rican to be nominated for an Oscar, although his playwriting career began more than two decades earlier and […]

Edgy Mama: Party Rules

“I usually don’t give unsolicited advice. And if I do, you certainly don’t have to take it. But if you follow my party rules, listed below, I guarantee that your party life will rock. Or at least roll a bit more.” Xpress parenting columnist Anne Fitten Glenn explains how to properly party, parent-style.