Love is a battlefiel­d

“There are so many ways that our music has become part of the fabric of American culture,” declares Mike Love, lead singer of The Beach Boys, in a phone interview with Xpress. There isn’t so much as a hint of hyperbole in his voice. It’s a staggering statement from any artist, but even more staggering […]

Art of the apocalypse

As a public venue, the Asheville Area Arts Council’s various galleries are committed to exhibiting work by as many area artists as possible each year. As a result, artists are sometimes paired with others with whom they have little in common. But this isn’t the case with the current exhibition of works in the AAAC’s […]

Making it sound easy

Ben Kweller is not supposed to be this good this soon. Too good to be this young: Ben Kweller knows how to craft a memorable pop song. Singer/songwriters are supposed to come along and develop over time, and somewhere around age 30, the perfect combination of cynicism and romanticism collides with a catchy three-chord sequence. […]

Surviving “Star”dom

In not exactly this order, this is how Nikki Talley has spent the past few months: She ended a three-year stint playing cafes in suburban Toronto; reintegrated to her home turf in Western North Carolina; turned 30; and released her second album, Telling Lies. A Star is reborn: Now that she’s proven she can play […]

Culture watch

Last year, the Xpress editors decided it would be a dandy idea to create a none-too-serious column about local arts, music and culture. To their eternal regret, they placed it in my hands, virtually guaranteeing a steady stream of e-mails complaining about my dismissive tone, sarcastic comments and general reluctance to toe the party line […]

Gallery Gossip

• Kevin Hogan’s multimedia exhibition Remix to Fluxmix will be in the Spiers Gallery at Brevard College from Friday, Aug. 31, through Friday, Sept. 28. If you missed it at the Asheville Art Museum, you should see it in Brevard. • There are two interesting juried shows coming up. The first is the 6th Annual […]

New blues

Vieux Farka Touré, the son of late Malian music legend Ali Farka Touré, wants to make one thing clear. Though his father was known as the “John Lee Hooker of Mali,” the younger Touré is dealing with a whole new shade of blue. Heir apparent: Vieux Farka Touré, like his father Ali, is one of […]