Hailing from Philadelphia, rock band Corey Flood is named in honor of Lili Taylor’s character from the Cameron Crowe film Say Anything. But while Lloyd Dobler’s best friend boasted of writing 63 songs in one year about her ex-boyfriend Joe, the four self-described “despondent rockers” stick to four tracks on their debut EP, Wish You Hadn’t. The dark-pop compositions harken back to identified influences Liz Phair and Helium while providing a relaxed yet still engaging alternative to the increasingly homogeneous indie rock of their peers. Corey Flood plays an all-ages show at Fleetwood’s on Friday, May 25, at 9 p.m. Opening sets come courtesy of Secret Santas, the new project from members of Asheville rockers Kitty Tsunami and Shaken Nature, and post-hardcore noise band Mouth Breathers. $5. fleetwoodsonhaywood.com. Photo by Emily Lyon
Smart Bets: Corey Flood

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