Experimental rock band Ween formed in the mid-’80s and, after a remarkably long tenure, broke up weirdly and publicly in 2012. But all was not lost. The band’s founding members, Aaron Freeman and Mickey Melchiondo (aka Gene and Dean Ween, respectively) went on to pursue solo projects. These days, Dean Ween runs a charter boat fishing business and fronts his namesake group. “I am finally branching out on my own and doing solo gigs and releasing my first ‘proper solo record’ this year,” he writes on his website. “Now I’m getting ready to take it on the road, and I’m very excited about it.” Dean Ween Group takes the stage at Asheville Music Hall on Friday, April 11, at 10 p.m. $16 advance/$18 day of show.
Smart Bets: Dean Ween Group

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